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When you enrol a system into an Enclave organisation, it creates a 'profile' file on the local machine, stored in:

  • Windows

    C:\Program Files\Enclave Networks\Enclave\Agent\profiles
  • Linux/macOS


The default profile is called "Universe", so on most enrolled systems you will find a "Universe.profile" file in those directories.


These files are in JSON format; they contain various configuration settings and the system's cryptographic identity. However we'd generally advise using the list-config and set-config commands in the CLI to interact safely with your configuration.

Additional profiles

Enclave can support more than one enrolled profile. Each profile is a completely separate Enclave configuration, and is entirely isolated from one another. Adding additional profiles allow one machine to be part of multiple Enclave organisations. This can be useful in the context of an service provider with multiple networks to manage or for a user of Enclave relying on it for their Work network as well as their own Personal network.

Creating a profile

You can create new profiles using the enrol command.

  1. Open an administrator command prompt
  2. Run enclave enrol --profile {NAME-OF-YOUR-NEW-PROFILE} {ENROLMENT-KEY}
  3. That's it you're done.
  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run sudo enclave enrol --profile {NAME-OF-YOUR-NEW-PROFILE} {ENROLMENT-KEY}
  3. That's it you're done

To confirm your profile is running you can run the list-profiles command to get a list of your current profiles and their state (running or stopped).

Each profile will use a separate network adapter on your system, which may lead to subnet conflicts, so we generally suggest 'switching' between your profiles as needed.

The switch-to command

The switch-to command provides a simple way to switch between profiles on your system in a convenient manner, allowing you to better manage the active profile when you have a number of profiles on your system. To start, run enclave switch-to in your command prompt or terminal of choice. You will get an output like below. Now simply use the arrow keys and enter to select the profile you'd like to switch to.

Select a profile (all other profiles will stop):

> Local [stopped]
  Personal [running]
  Universe [stopped]


This will stop any other running profile, And as a result any active connections relying on that profile.

If you only have one profile enrolled the switch-to will do nothing.

If you'd like to avoid having to select the profile, the command also accepts the name of the profile as an argument; for example enclave switch-to Local. This will perform the same action as manually selecting the Local profile above.