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Another process has bound a DNS listener to the Enclave Adapter

Enclave reports a warning indicating similar to the one shown below that the DNS stub resolver cannot bind to the Enclave adapter.



DNS resolution of Enclave-defined names fails as the built-in DNS stub resolver is unable to bind itself to port 53 to the Enclave network adapter, as another another process has already started listening on this port.


The issue occurs because another process binds to port 53 on the Enclave interface before Enclave's DNS stub resolver can. This prevents Enclave from intercepting DNS queries, which breaks its functionality.


To resolve this warning you will either need to disable the Enclave stub resolver, or prevent the conflicting process from binding a listen socket on the Enclave interface.


Open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges and use the netstat command to identify the conflicting process:

netstat -ano | findstr :53

This command will display the Process ID (PID) of the process using port 53. Open Task Manager, go to the "Details" tab, and find the process associated with this PID. Determine whether the process can be stopped, uninstalled, or reconfigured to free port 53. Common culprits include third-party antivirus software and other VPN clients or network tools. Once the conflicting process is addressed, restart the Enclave service using enclave restart.


Open a terminal and identify the conflicting process with:

sudo netstat -tuln | grep :53

Find the PID of the process bound to port 53 using:

sudo lsof -i :53

Stop or reconfigure the conflicting service and restart the Enclave service using enclave restart.


Open a terminal and check which process is using port 53:

sudo lsof -i :53

Identify the application or service causing the conflict, then stop or reconfigure it to release the port. Restart the Enclave service using enclave restart.


The Enclave stub resolver can be disabled by editing the local Profile file. To disable Enclave from attempting to bind a stub resolver, stop the Enclave service (enclave stop) and open the local profile file and look for the LocalNameserver section:

"LocalNameserver": {
    "Disabled": false,
    "DisableAutoDns": false

Change the value of Disabled to true and restart the Enclave service using, enclave start.

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Last updated January 20, 2025